In What Country Are Most Prostitutes Trained in the Martial Arts

Stereotypes pose obstacles for women who would like to train in martial arts in Moldova

For International Day of the Girl Child, UN Women Moldova spoke to Ana Maria Stratu, a young adult female who broke down stereotypes and chose to practice karate. She has swell accomplishments and is now grooming other girls passionate nigh martial arts.


Ana Maria Stratu, pictures from personal archive

What obstacles have you encountered on your karate journeying?

Information technology is a martial art that requires intense physical effort and, like in any other sport, when yous reach a professional level, information technology becomes more of a claiming on psychological and mental levels.

In the groups in which I trained, at that place was e'er simply ane or 2 girls and we tried to match the boys' level. In some respects, girls have advantages – elasticity, for instance, in others it's the boys – forcefulness. This being seemingly an obstruction, it soon became an advantage for me.In the course of fourth dimension, I have been often criticised by those effectually me. In fact, this all the same persists. Family unit, neighbours, people in school – some were insisting that 'this sport is not suitable for girls." I believe, nonetheless, that every person chooses their own path in life and shapes their own destiny.

What were the factors that encouraged you to continue working in sports?

'A sound mind in a sound body' – that's how I was brought up from an early historic period. When you lot suffer from pain you can't work effectively, you feel uncomfortable in your own body and you waste matter energy thinking about how to recover. To avoid health problems, it is important to maintain a balance. Sport is an integral part to it. Information technology is also very of import to have a good coach that you are compatible with. If you detect one, consider yourself lucky. I consider myself lucky.  Sport is my life. After experimenting with different styles for ii years I returned to Karate-exercise, which I started practising 8 years ago. All my gratis fourth dimension, nights and weekends were defended to sport. Instead of going out with friends or attending family holidays I was training. Afterwards, I got a taste for organising sports events.

Ana Maria Stratu, pictures from personal archive

What are the most common gender stereotypes you have encountered so far?

In the world of sports, gender equality is manifested at different levels. In recent years I was part of organising committees for various multi-sport events, so I tin can certainly confirm that gender equality is lacking in the structure of these committees. Management positions are generally held past men. The same affair happens at the level of international federations, national federations, global sports news agencies, national Olympic committees – in all these organisations the number of women in leadership positions is modest.

In improver, working recently in Eastern Europe, I noticed that the dominance of men over women makes its presence felt every day and that bothers me. The important thing is to maintain a proper attitude and quality of piece of work.

Women's Karate-do Festival, 3rd edition, March 7, 2020

What motivated you to organise Women's Karate-do Festival?

For more than 10 years, there has been only one girl in the national team. And we are talking virtually a sport that has get an Olympic ane. At that place are very few girls who cull to practice martial arts in the republic of moldova. Stereotypes are one of the main reasons. But this tin can be inverse. Women's Karate-practice Festival is an important event and I hope it will at least contribute to creating a gender balance in the world of martial arts and of sports.

In your opinion, what activity should sports professionals take to promote the involvement of more girls in sports that are often characterized equally 'masculine'?

To promote sportswomen; to organise advert campaigns with the involvement of female person athletes; to create, every bit appropriate, groups for girls only. National federations should support and at the same time monitor the activeness of sports clubs and set the development vector for gender equality. This is well emphasized by the International Olympic Committee – information technology remains to exist implemented at the national level. Changes kickoff at cellular level. I believe that balance is the cardinal to a positive outcome in anything, fifty-fifty if it is the about hard thing to maintain.

What are the steps we need to take as a order and so that certain sports are not perceived every bit 'masculine'?

  1. Parents should be more open-minded and listen to their children, offer them new opportunities.
  2. The positive epitome of girls who practise sports needs to exist promoted. The sportswomen go stereotype-breaking role models, and their behaviour is very closely watched by the society. A sportswoman can be a positive function model only when, in addition to her sports skills and results, she demonstrates intelligence and skilful manners.
  3. Events that aim to show women's sports in a positive light are welcome. Nosotros tin as well mention Women's Karate-do Festival in this regard.

Women's Karate-exercise Festival, 3rd edition, March 7, 2020

On 19 December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 declaring 11 October the International Day of the Girl Child. This mean solar day aims to recognize their rights and the problems girls around the world face.

As teenage girls around the world assert their power equally a factor of change, this year's International Day of the Girl Kid volition focus on their needs:
– To savour a decent living, without gender-based violence, harmful practices or HIV/AIDS;
– To proceeds new skills for a futurity that they desire;
– To grow into a generation of activists who accelerate social modify.


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