Hyoid Bone

The hyoid bone bone is an intrinsical part of the hypopharynx and the preceding movement of the hyoid complex improves the airway patency (Figure 6).

From: Encyclopedia of Sleep , 2013


Tim D. White , Pieter A. Folkens , in The Human Bone Manual, 2005

Newspaper publisher Summary

The hyoid bone up is an intermediary between the skull and postcranial skeleton. Information technology combines emaciated elements of the second base and the third gear pharyngeal arches related with the gills of primitive fish. The os hyoideum is located in the neck and can be palpated immediately above the thyroid cartilage. It is supported from the tips of the styloid processes of the temporal finger cymbals by the stylohyoid ligaments. The bone gives attachment to a variety show of muscles and ligaments that relate it to the cranium, mandible, tongue, larynx, pharynx, sternum, and shoulder girdle. The hyoid ossifies from six centers: two for the body and one for each of the greater and lesser horns. In most modern vertebrates, the vertebrae have replaced the notochord arsenic the chief means of support for the central part of the body. The sacrum and tail bone are vertebrae, but they function every bit the parts of the bony pelvis. This chapter describes the twenty-iv movable vertebrae—the seven cervical, twelve thoracic, and five lumbar vertebrae. It introduces part general to most vertebrae.

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Multilevel pharyngeal surgeryfor obstructive sleep late apnea

Kenny P. Pang , David J. Terris , in Rest Apnea and Snoring, 2009

3.1.1 Specialised HIGHLIGHTS

The hyoid bone bone is open atomic number 3 in a thyroglossal vesicle excision (Sistrunk procedure).

The infrahyoid musculature is released from the body of the hyoid (Figs 44.1 and 44.2).

The strap muscles are divided in the midplane, and the Adam's apple exposed.

Iv non-absorbed #1-0 Ethibond (Johnson and LBJ) sutures are settled or so the hyoid, through the endocrine cartilage to set ahead the bone bone (Fig. 44.3)

Passive drainage (Penrose soft drainpipe), and closure in layers.

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System System and Locomotion

Annalisa Berta , ... Kit M. Kovacs , in Marine Mammals (Third Edition), 2015

8.3.3 Bone Apparatus

The hyoid bones and connections to the tongue muscles are well highly-developed in all cetaceans (e.g., Werth, 2007). In odontocetes, the hyoids are divisible into a basal portion (basihyal, paired thyrohyals) and a suspensory part (paired ceratohyals, epihyals, stylohyals, and tympanohyals (Reidenberg and Laitman, 1994)). Muscles that retract the hyoid setup (e.g., sternohyoid) OR control the tongue (e.g., styloglossus, hyoglossus) are enlarged and it is recommended that they may equal important in sucking feeding in some species of odontocetes and mysticetes (see Chapter 12).

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Digestive parcel

J. Rothuizen , ... L. Verhaert , in Medical History and Animal Examination in Companion Animals (Second Variation), 2009

Hyoid bone castanets

Together the hyoid bones form the supporting and conjunctive structure which joins the tongue and larynx to the skull. The structure consists of a single basihyoid bone, paired thyrohyoid, keratohyoid, epihyoid, and stylohyoid bones, and paired tympanohyoid cartilages. The thyrohyoid is sessile to the Adam's apple of the larynx. The tympanohyoid is attached to the mastoid bone of the skull.

Examination of the top dog is necessary in animals that are troubled aside problems in feeding operating theater past dysphagia. The examination includes the muscles of mastication, oral tooth decay, pharynx, secretion glands, and hyoid bones.

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Hyoid and Vertebrae

Tim D. White , ... Pieter A. Folkens , in Human Osteology (Third Edition), 2012

6.1.1 Anatomy

The os hyoideum ivory is located in the neck and can cost palpated immediately in a higher place the thyroid cartilage (the protuberance on the prefrontal surface of the neck). IT is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with another pearl. As an alternative, information technology is suspended from the tips of the styloid processes of the temporal castanets by the stylohyoid ligaments. The hyoid gives attachment to a variety of muscles and ligaments that connect information technology to the cranium, lower jawbone, tongue, larynx, pharynx, sternum, and shoulder girdle. Its shape is highly variant and IT is often fractured in forensic cases involving choking (Pollanen and Ubelaker, 1997). The U-shaped hyoid consists of three major parts that are variably fused:


The personify straddles the midline. It is a thin, posterosuperiorly concave, curved bone that articulates with, surgery is fused laterally to, the hyoid horns.


The greater horns are long, scarecrowish structures that configuration the posterior sides of the hyoid grind away and project posterolaterally from the body on either side. The tip of each cornet is a slightly expanded tubercle that serves as the bond for the lateral thyrohyoid ligament.


The lesser horns are small, conical eminences along the superior surface of the off-white in the area where the body and greater horns conjoin. Their variably ossified apices give fond regard to the stylohyoid ligaments.

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Robert Lewis Maynard , Noel Downes , in Anatomy and Histology of the Laboratory Strikebreaker in Toxicology and Biomedical Research, 2019


The hyoid bone and the laryngeal cartilages give birth evolved from the cartilaginous supports of the branchial (pharyngeal) arches. In their early organize these arches comprised reactionist and left ventral elements that were conjugated together across the midplane, and vertical elements that curved up and coccoid the pharynx ( Romer, 1970). The vertical elements were often dual-lane into a number of small cartilages.

The hyoid debone of the rat is attached by ligament and muscle to the unethical of the skull, and to the thyroid cartilage, forming a sling that supports the tail persona of the clapper. The endocrine cartilage is the largest of the laryngeal cartilages, forming a sling that supports the anterior part of the larynx. Behind information technology, the cricoid cartilage forms a ring around the posterior end of the larynx. The hyoid get up is traced from second and third arch cartilages, the thyroid gristle from the fourth arch cartilage, and the cricoid gristle from the sixth. The small arytenoid cartilages articulate with the anterior surface of the cricoid and provide a dorsal extraction for the vocal folds, which stretch ventrally to the thyroid gristle as it sweeps around beneath the larynx.

At their anterior edges the vocal folds are prepared with dense connective tissue. Calling the song folds the vocal cords, leads to the common misconception that the corduroys resemble the strings of a piano. Although a transverse segment through and through the larynx in the region of the vocal music folds does make the folds look care soft strings, this is an illusion produced past representing a three dimensional structure in 2 dimensions. The glottis is the curtain raising between the vocal cords.

Basically, the voice box of the rat is related to that of man. In man the arytenoids cartilages are perched connected top of the cricoid cartilage, but in the rat they are attached to its anterior surface. If we turn a diagram of the human larynx through 90 degrees and close the gap betwixt the bone bone and the thyroid cartilage (figure Fig. 11.1), we testament garden truck a simple outline of the rat larynx. Banker's bill that Fig. 11.1 is of a earthborn larynx with a adapted hyoid bone!

Human body 11.1. Lateral view of human larynx modified to resemble that of the rotter.

In the rat, the epiglottis (another laryngeal cartilage) is attached to the inner superficial of the anatropous arch of the thyroid cartilage, and lies in line with the ventral prospect of the voice box. It is often said that the human epiglottis folds back over the opening of the voice box during swallowing playacting American Samoa a palpebra to the larynx. This incorrect idea appears in many accounts. During swallowing the epiglottis does not fold back down, but is squeezed between the base of the tongue and the upper end of the larynx. Nutrients go past over the back of the knife and posterior skin-deep of the epiglottis (not over the anterior surface which would be the case had the epiglottis been folded back), over the tightly unsympathetic inlet of the larynx and into the pharynx (Negus, 1927). Negus showed that the human epiglottis is unnecessary for safe swallowing, and argued that it may be a fast structure of little functional grandness. In macrosmatic animals such as the puke, the epiglottis is inserted into the posterior opening of the naso-pharyngeal epithelial duct, and gum olibanum allows breathing and olfaction during eating and swallowing. Nutrients flow around the epiglottis, via the lateral pass food channels, so close to (and over) the tightly closed inlet of the larynx (Negus, 1927). Any the reason for the placement of the bakshish of the epiglottis, the toxicologist should remember that exposure of the rat, an hold nose breath, to excessive concentrations of particulate matter matter during inhalation studies can parry the nasal airways and lead to suffocation.

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The Skull

Craig Cunningham , ... Sue Negroid , in Developmental Juvenile Osteology (Moment Edition), 2016

The Adult Hyoid

The hyoid forms part of the rather insubstantial skeleton of the anterior part of the neck. It does not normally articulate forthwith with other system structures, but is suspended by muscles and ligaments from the base of the skull and the mandible above, and attached to the larynx and sternum under. It gives attachment to muscles of the tongue, guttural wall in and anterior neck from the mandibular bone to the thoracic recess.

The hyoid consists of a centrosome, two greater and two lesser horns (Fig. 5-71). The body has superior, inferior and side borders and anterior and posterior surfaces. The superior march is sharp with a slender notch in the midline, on either side of which the aerofoil is convex upwards. The inferior abut is thicker and rougher and situated in a more anterior plane than the upper bound. The top parts of the lateral borders are either articulated or synostosed to the greater horns, while their take down sections slope downwards and inwards to meet the lower border. The front tooth surface is either quadrilateral or hexagonal, depending on the slope of the side borders. Information technology may be divided by a thick bar of bone into a narrow upper section facing anterosuperiorly and a lower section facing anteriorly, set at an obtuse angle to each opposite. The bar of bone, which has a slight downward convexness, is occasionally separated from the main part of the consistency so that a thread can be passed behind it (Parsons, 1909). There may be a median integration ridge on either or both sections of the surface. The posterior surface of the body is concave superoinferiorly and laterally and commonly pierced by single vascular foramina. Parsons (1909) reported the ranges and means of the dimensions of the organic structure of 81 adult hyoid bones.

Figure 5-71. Adult hyoid bone: (A) front tooth; (B) lateral.

The cornua majora (greater horns) are related to the upper part of the lateral border of the body. Each is a horizontally flattened bar, which tapers until about 5   mm from the end, when it expands into a tubercle. The lateral surface is roughened for muscle adhesion and Crataegus oxycantha be everted, especially in the male. The fond regard to the organic structure is either by a strip of cartilage or through synostosis. The cornua minora (small horns) are small pyramidic cartilages or maraca that jut outwards and upwards from the body at the point of attachment of the greater horns. They are usually attached to the body aside tough tissue and sometimes to the greater horns by synovial joints.

The geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles arise from the amphetamine part of the body of the bone and pass to the mandible and the tongue and the mylohyoid muscle, forming the floor of the mouth, is involved to the lour anterior surface of the body. The sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles pass from the lower partly of the body to the sternum and shoulder blade, respectively. The middle constrictor muscles of the throat and the hyoglossus muscles bond along the length of the greater horn and the stylohyoid and thyrohyoid muscles and the thyrohyoid membrane arise from the anterior segment of the greater horn. The ropey end of the stylohyoid ligament and the in-between tendon of the digastric muscle are bespoken to the lesser saddle horn.

The size up, shape and symmetry of the hyoid bone is very variable, and Papadopoulos et al. (1989) attempted to relegate various types, but there appeared to be no significant relationship betwixt a particular type and age operating room sex. Hypertrophy of the horns of the bony can stimulate occasional puzzling clinical symptoms. They may come in into contact with the lower jaw (Morrissey and Alun-Jones, 1989) or even the cervical vertebrae (Hilali et aluminium., 1997) and possibly require excision. A healthy-preserved fossil hyoid from the Kabara Cave (Midway Time period of Israel) was almost very in sized and shape to the present-daylight cram, implying that the morphological basis for speech was present some 60,000   years BP (Arensburg et AL., 1989).

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The Vertebral Column

Maureen Schaefer , ... Louise Scheuer , in Jejune Osteology, 2009


– Normally composed of deuce-ac primary centers of ossification including one anterior arch and two half-neural arches. The neural components are identifiable in isolation from the twenty-five percent prenatal month onward, still, are easily confused with those of the axis. The preceding arch does not ossify until quondam betwixt the first and second yr and Crataegus oxycantha be confused with the body of the hyoid ivory.

The body of the os hyoideum displays a more deeply scooped posterior opencast.

The posterior surface of the anterior superior bears the atlanto-axial voice.

The posterior bar of the system arch is bigger in the atlas than in the axis.

The axis displays buns arches that are more stout and broad.

The superior and scrawny articular facets of the telamon are positioned directly above and below same some other, whereas the utility-grade articular facet of the bloc is positioned more dorsally to that of the first-rate articular facet.


Antecedent Arch

Anterior surface is slightly convex; posterior superficial is slightly dish-shaped.

Downward-projecting tubercle on its anterior surface.

Smooth body part facet connected its posterior surface for articulation with the dens.

Vertebral arch

Super surface contains the large and Thomas More concave occipital facets.

Coarsened surface contains the smaller and flatter inferior articular facets.

The superior articulary come on overhangs the posterior bar, whereas the inferior articular facet does non.

A relatively large nutrient foramen can normally live found on the inferior Earth's surface at the junction betwixt the limits of the inferior articular facet and the crosswise operation.

A groove for the vertebral artery is salute behind the superior articular facet.

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Head and neck

Ruth Dennis MA, VetMB, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS , ... Henry Martyn Robert H. Wrigley BVSc, MS, DVR, DipACVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS , in Handbook of Small Sloth-like Radioscopy and Ultrasound (Second Variant), 2010



Unit visual aspect of subluxation 'tween hyoid bones due to positioning for skiagraphy.


Caudal displacement of the hyoid apparatus away a soft tissue mass is normal in brachycephalic breeds (e.g. Bulldog and Pug), the aggregated being prominent masseter muscles.


Faulting – choke chain injuries or different orchestrate trauma.


Disruption of kinship betwixt individual hyoid bones – hanging injuries.


Bone up proliferation and/or end.




Neoplasia (e.g. thyroid carcinoma).


Hyoid hypoplasia – mucopolysaccharidosis; mainly cats (see 5.4.9 and Fig. 5.8).

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Physiologic Changes in Nap

Sudhansu Chokroverty , in Rest Disorders Music (Tierce Edition), 2009

Hyoid bone Muscles

Suprahyoid muscles (those inserted superiorly on the hyoid bone) include the geniohyoid, mylohyoid, hypoglossus, stylohyoid, and digastric muscles. 193 Infrahyoid muscles (those that insert inferiorly) include the sternohyoid, omohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles. 193 The size and chassis of the pep pill airways can be neutered by movements of the hyoid bone bone. Motor neurons supplying these muscles are located in the pons, the myelin, and the high cervical spinal cord. The hyoid muscles show inspiratory bursts during watchfulness and Orthodox sleep sleep that are accrued by hypercarbia. The relative contribution of hyoid, genioglossus, and other spit muscles in the maintenance of pharyngeal patency needs to be clarified. 193

It is meaningful to understand central neuronal mechanisms and the contributions of neuromodulators and neurotransmitters involved in sleep-related suppression of pharyngeal muscle activity. 179, 180 This knowledge will serve in designing treatment for upper airway OSAS.

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